AGM held on 9th October 2023 at The Hub Hellingly at 2pm.

1a. In Attendance: Ann Robinson, Joy Bennett, Suzanne Fisher, Brian Burt, Brian Charsley Sandra Beal, Mary Smith, Joyce Burt, Jo Angear June Stone, Neville Grover, Shelagh Allen, Di Chawner, Maggie Birchmore, Irene Burt, Jean Akehurst, Ann Pearce, Fran Doe, Charlie Maskell, John Wood, Peter Lulham, John Lusted, Peter Horrocks, Kate Ibbotson, George Ibbotson, Steve Nixon, Pauline Crisp, Steve Mackenzie, Len Montgomery, Jasmine Gayton

1b. Apologies Received for Absence: Eileen Kemp, Chris Andrews, Trevor Constable, Kath Jeffery, Ray Reed,  David Lloyd, June Stone, Chris Stone, Barry Sands, Tracey Wood, Alison Murray.

Before the meeting started, George Ibbotson asked that we have a matters arising section, this was agreed and added.

Matters Arising:

George Ibbotson pointed out that as stated in the minutes it had been agreed that Rule 15.2 be deleted from the Club Rules but that on the club website Rule 15.2 was still there. He also believed that the rules on the website were incorrect as there was no mention of the rule requiring Social Members who wished to change to becoming full members are required to apply to the committee nor to the fact it had been agreed that the Webmaster should be a named position on the committee due to the specialist nature of the role.

Subsequent to the meeting it has been identified that the rule requiring Social Members who wish to become Full Members they must apply to the committee as stated in the rules for Social Membership and the problem is that the Rules for Social Membership are not available on the website.


  1. The last AGM minutes were approved and signed.
  2. Chairman’s Report: The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and stated that we had had a wonderful Season where the weather had not stopped too many games. Ann thanked the committee members for their hard work and the members for supporting events we have held through the year ‘as without you these would not be as successful as they are’! A special thank you to all who worked around the green and in the buildings last winter to keep us looking smart. Special thanks to George and Charlie who tirelessly attend on a Wednesday and Saturday morning working within the grounds. More volunteers are needed to join them on these mornings to help with the ‘project’ for the day. Please just turn up from 8am – 10am if you can.

Thank you to Jean for her tireless event planning skills and her army of ladies and gentleman.

Membership levels have been stable but we mustn’t be complacent as with rising costs to run the club we need to make plans on how to encourage new members.

Thank you to Suzanne for doing more than her as Secretary and Match Secretary role throughout the season taking on the liaison with Idverde and the Greensman and managing the replacement of the sprinkler system when it broke earlier in the year and the watering of the green while broken.

Ladies Eastbourne League was thoroughly enjoyed by those that participated – we came 6th in the League which for our first year was a great achievement.

Ann hoped the new members have had an enjoyable first Season with us and are looking forward to playing again next year.

  1. Treasurer’s Report: This year we made the decision to change our bank from Barclays Bank to Lloyds Bank. This was not an easy project but after many visits to the bank we have finally managed to transfer the current account and open a savings account. Initially all the money was transferred into the current account until a savings account could be opened. £15,000.00 was then transferred into the savings account. There has been a lot of expenditure this year in replacing guttering, extension to the covered area and new toilets and sink in the ladies toilets. Please see the breakdown attached of the expenditure and income for the year.


  1. Secretary’s Report: This role is always a busy one and Suzanne would like to thank the members for their support throughout the year. The Facebook page we started does not have many Hellingly bowls club supporters following which is a shame as we get some good feed back of what a great game clubs have had with us. Photos are put up (if we get any of the game) and we try to include our opponents facebook page so they can see how we appreciate their game with us. So if you haven’t followed us yet please do.

Wealden Lottery has got off to a good start with some winners – one monetary and many winners with free tickets to the next game. So far we have had £184 paid into our funds so please keep going and those that haven’t jointed yet please do so.  We get 50p for every ticket brought – friends and family can join in too.

  1. Match Secretary’s Report: It has been a good year but some games to us got cancelled and not re-booked which is a loss of revenue to us and could result in not playing them next year We only had one Tour this year and they complimented us on our green and how much they enjoyed the hospitality of coming to our club; we had two great afternoons playing the Hellingly Cricket and Rugby Teams and they would both very much like to return again next year. There are some potential bowlers amongst them and at least one is interested in joining us next Season! We have five indoor bowls matches booked for the winter months – please contact Jean if you would like to take part and you haven’t put your name down.
  2. Greenkeeper’s Report: Suzanne took on the liaising with Idverde and greensman this year as we do not have a green keeper about what needed treating and the watering – this has worked well but we do need our own green keeper to take this on (please!).
  3. Membership Officer’s Report: We welcomed several new members this year and hope they have enjoyed the Season. New folders with all the information about the club were given to each one and hope they have found these useful.
  4. Mens Captain Report: 2023 was an enjoyable Season with few cancellations for inclement weather although two fixtures were cancelled for other reasons. We welcomed some new faces and hope they have enjoyed the experience.

It was a successful year as we came second in the Horam and District League – a very creditable performance – congratulations to Wadhurst who won the league.

Overall during the season we managed to win 53 games and lost 40. Brian felt all our games were played in a good spirit and were enjoyable.  Sadly Covid prevented us playing the John McWhirter Cup as Uckfield were stricken with it.

Brian thanked Jean, Neville and Sheila for the work that they have carried out on the selection committee.  This is not always an easy task and we spend a lot of time trying to be fair with our selections, but on occasions we had to disappoint several people which was inevitable when you have 20 names for a match with 4 triples (12 people). Again we have had more names for home games than away games.  In general we did not have many occasions when we were short and struggling to get a team.

Brian thanked the group of members who worked on the green and surrounding area. Also thankyou to Steve Nixon for taking over the work on the website; the members who provided refreshments on various occasions; Mary for her work on the shop; Sandra and the team for providing the raffle prizes and of course Jean for all the work she did during the year.

  1. Ladies Captain Report: Only 3 ladies games played and Hampden Park may play this as a mixed match.

Congratulations to Mary Smith, Sandra Beal and Ann Robinson for obtaining the points needed to get their County badge and will be presented with them next year – well done to you all.

Thank you to the ladies who made our cakes for the matches that require them and especially all the home cooked food for our Open Triples Day which often is done at their own expense. This tournament was a huge success yet again.

Throughout the year we have George and Charlie to thank for all their hard work over the green, this is extended to all those that have assisted them over the season from time to time. With Charlie stepping down a bit next year we will need some others to step up and help. Thankyou Charlie for all of your hard work over so many years, but just because you will be 90 it doesn’t mean you can retire today!! I know, God willing you will still help out, you are a great example of a good club member.

This year we raised £116 for Children with Cancer due to fines made!!

  1. Obituaries for 2023 of previous members

Brian Lumley, Pat Ashby, Dave Nichols

  1. Appointment of Two Tellers: Di Chawner and Brian Charsley
  2. Proposals:
  3. Increase to memberships fees to £100 pp

Proposed by Di Chawner and Seconded by Joyce Burt 1 against – majority accepted

  1. Social fees to remain the same

Ann Robinson proposed and seconded by Jean Akehurst – unanimously carried

c.Proposal to drop the following friendly matches :

           Frant – it was felt that we should try and keep these smaller clubs alive, but perhaps play just one game a year alternating between home and away

Proposed : Steve MacKenzie, Seconded by Paulin Crisp. Carried by majority 21 votes

        Colemans Hatch – suggested we play just one game a year alternating between home and away, with the game starting next year to a home game on the July date.

Proposed: Di Chawner, Seconded by Sandra Beal – unanimously agreed.

  1. Club competitions to be played in 2024:

           100 Up

           Ladies Pairs and Singles

           Men’s Pairs and Singles


           Open Handicap

           Open Singles

           Mixed Pairs

It was proposed that we play Aussie pairs for the Captains Cup, but Secretary said that we may have a sponsor who would like to offer a cup for a competition and maybe we could keep the Aussie pairs for this if it comes to fruition.  This was agreed so Captains Cup will remain as is.

  1. Match Fees increase – proposal to remain the same

Proposed : Jean Akehurst, Seconded by Joy Bennett – unanimously carried.

  1. HBC Rules – change of rule 4 to incorporate the payment of club fees to a split payment – unanimously agreed. (The update needs to be on the website)
  2. New role to be created – Sponsor/Publicity Officer

Proposed: Pauline Crisp, seconded John Wood and unanimously carried.

  1. Election of Officers and Committee

The Chairman confirmed that all positions were proposed and seconded

Chairman – Ann Robinson

Vice Chairman – Neville Grover

Treasurer – Joy Bennett

Secretary – Suzanne Fisher

Match Secretary – Suzanne Fisher

Green Keeper – position vacant

Groundsman – Charlie Maskell

Ladies Captain – Jean Akehurst

Ladies Vice Captain – Sandra Beal

Men’s Captain – Brian Burt

Men’s Vice Captain – Neville Grover

Membership Officer – Fran Doe

Welfare Officer – Fran Doe

Safeguarding Officer – John Wood

Webmaster – Steve Nixon

Committee – Mary Smith, John Wood, Brian Charsley, David Lloyd, Peter Lulham

Competition Organisers: Ann Robinson, Jean Akehurst and Mary Smith

Sports Trust Representatives – Fran Doe and Ann Robinson

Ladies County Club Delegate  –

  1. Date for 2024 Open Day – Saturday 20th April
  2. Date for 2023 AGM – Wednesday 9th October 2pm (providing Joy can get the booking)
  3. Date for next Committee Meeting – Wednesday 29th November 2023 2pm at 103 Battle Road, Hailsham, East Sussex BN27 1UD (Suzanne Fisher’s house)
  4. Chairman closed meeting at 1620.





Chairperson – Ann Robinson





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