
AGM minutes now available under the AGM tab


I would like to thank all those who attended the November Bingo evening  and bought items from my Cancer Research fundraising stall

Thanks to your generosity we raised an amazing £147.      Wendy Walker 

Hellingly Bowls Club – Tea Duty Responsibilities 

A Tea is provided for club players and guests at every home fixture throughout the season,  by members on a rota. This is normally tea and biscuits, but on occasion there may be a  ‘Full Tea’ when 3 people are allocated. 

The rota is on the club house notice boards, indicating which members have been  allocated to which home fixtures. ‘Tea Duty’ responsibilities are as follows.

Start of  



Please make a note of the tea duties that you have been allocated and who you  will be doing the duty with. If you cannot make a date, please arrange to swap  dates with another member, making it clear on the rota.


the game

Please bring 2 pints of semi-skimmed milk to your tea rota duty. Tea, coffee  and biscuits are in the cupboards. 

Fill the hot water urn to ¾ full and turn it on. 

Place a square table at one end of the Green, with the freshly filled cold water  container, bottles of squash and 24 plastic mugs.


the first  


Set out a table for each rink that is being played, putting a rink number on each  table. 

Place 12 raffle ticket strips on each table and offer raffle tickets to spectators  around the Green. 

Place a tea tray on each table. The tea tray consists of 6 mugs, one milk jug, one  sugar bowl, 6 teaspoons and one plate of biscuits. 

Place a tea tray in the external seating area for spectators.


the bell

Keep an eye on the number of ends played on the Captain’s rink.  When the Captain’s score board says 8 ends played, the bell can be rung.  The players will finish their end and come in for tea. 

At this point a filled teapot and hot water jug should be placed on each tea tray,  including the one for spectators.



Check and refill any hot water jugs as required. 

After the Captains speeches the raffle electric number generator should be  activated and the raffle prizes given out.





After Tea all crockery should be washed, dried and put away. 

The floor should be hoovered. 

Drinks Orders should be prepared on trays and left on the corresponding rink  numbered tables.

Finishing  up

All glasses used for post-match drinks should be washed, dried and put away. 

Toilets should be checked to ensure toilet paper, hand wash, hand towels are  sufficient. 

Tea towels should be taken home, washed and returned.


Thank you for supporting the running of the Club.



Club defibrillator

I am pleased to report that our new defibrillator has now been installed in the clubhouse, located in the kitchen area together with a 999 ONLY telephone.

A defibrillator is a device that gives a high energy electric shock to the heart through the chest wall to someone who is in cardiac arrest. No training is required with this AED model. However, general instruction will be given at the next Club AGM. In the meantime, I would suggest that you take a look at the following informative link: