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Club Rules:

  As approved at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 9th October 2023
  1.1 The club shall be known as Hellingly Bowls Club, Lower Horsebridge Recreation Ground, Horsebridge BN27 4DL 
  1.2 The club is affiliated to Bowls England and Sussex County Bowls
  2 The Committee of the club shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and shall consist of the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Captain and Vice Captain of the Men’s Section, Captain and Vice Captain of the Ladies Section, Hon. Secretary, Match Secretary, Hon Treasurer, Green Keeper, Membership Officer, Welfare Officer, Safeguarding Officer, Website Manager and up to four members of the club to serve on the Club Committee
  3 The Chairman or in their absence the Vice Chairman, or in their absence either of the Captains or Vice Captains, shall preside at the meetings of the committee. Five members of the committee shall form a quorum.

The annual subscription shall be such sum as is agreed at the AGM(£100). The subscription becomes due on the 31st January in each year but can be paid in two payments 1st payment by 31st January and the 2nd payment by the open day, after which date only those who have paid this sum shall have the privilege of using the greens and equipment. If new members join on the open day they may pay in full or make two payments-one on the open day and the second by the end of June of that year.

  5 Membership shall be open to all persons resident in the Parish of Hellingly and such other persons as the committee shall think fit. The committee shall have the power to accept or reject any application for membership.  Persons making application who are, or intend to be members of any other club, may have the choice of playing matches and club tournaments for one club only.
  6 Visitors accompanied by a member are allowed to play at a fee of such a sum as the committee may from time to time decide.  The member being responsible for seeing that the visors book is signed and placing the money in the box provided in the club house.
  7 The committee shall meet as often as required and shall be responsible for the management of the club, with the power to co-opt and to fill any vacancy which may occur during the year and to appoint such sub committees as may be necessary.
  8 No person shall be allowed on the green unless wearing the regulation bowling shoes.  Dress for all matches shall be either greys or whites as designated with white tops or club tops above the waist. Ladies will be allowed to wear regulation tailored grey trousers for mixed matches, but for ladies matches white skirts or trousers may be worn.
  9 Any person alleged to have been guilty of conduct derogatory to the welfare of the club shall be requested to attend a meeting of the committee to explain why his or her membership should not be withdrawn.  Any further matter requiring guidance shall follow Bowls England Regulations 9 (Misconduct).
  10.1 The AGM of the club shall be held as soon after the close of the season as circumstances permit. Seven days notice of such meeting shall be given.
  10.2 Should a member be proposed, seconded and approved at an AGM for outstanding service to the club, they should be offered Life Membership.  Such a title should be recognised by the club for the lifetime of that person and should grant them free full membership of the club. It is anticipated that there can be up to six such actively involved members at any one time.
  10.3 Any proposal for inclusion in the AGM agenda must notified to the Hon. Secretary at least two weeks before the AGM.  This is to allow time for all members to be informed of the proposal.
  11 A special general meeting of the club shall be held when considered necessary by the committee or on a requisition signed by ten members. Seven days notice of such a meeting shall be given to all members.  The notice is to state the nature of the business to be transacted.
  12 Any member wilfully causing damage to the property of the club shall be liable for the extent of said damage.
  13 All members property left in the club house or changing rooms is entirely at the owners risk.                                
  14 Any complaint or matter for consideration by the committee shall be submitted to the Hon. Secretary in writing at least seven days prior to the next meeting.
  15 The selection of players for matches and competitions shall be left to the selection committee consisting of the four captains and vice captains.  In club competitions the member whose name appears first is responsible for arranging a suitable date with an opponent and appointing a marker.
  16 No alteration or addition to these rules shall be made except at an AGM or an Extraordinary General Meeting. Seven days notice stating any such alteration shall be given by the Hon. Secretary to all members.
  17 Hellingly Bowls Club is committed to promoting a safe environment in which children and vulnerable adults can enjoy taking part in games of bowls.  It will seek to underpin and ensure this commitment by following and promoting the Joint Child Protection Policy and procedures of the National Governing Bodies.
  18 In the event of further clarification on a matter being required, the Bowls England Model Constitution latest edition (currently April 2017) should be followed.
SOCIAL MEMBERSHIP RULES                                    
  As approved at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) 9th October 2023                                    
1 The club is known as Hellingly Bowls Club, Lower Horsebridge Recreation Ground, Horsebridge, BN27 4DL                                    
2 Social members’ names and telephone numbers will be listed as a group in the match fixtures book.                                    
3 The annual subscription shall be such sum as is agreed at the AGM. The subscription becomes due for payment by the 31st January of each year.  The current annual subscription is £15.00                                    
4 Social members are restricted to having a maximum of three roll ups in a season at a charge of £2.00 a time. As a social member you are able to joining in with a club social event.                                    
5 Social membership does NOT PERMIT representing the club in a match or club competitions                                    
6 Social members may attend the AGM where they can stand for office and join in discussions.  They are NOT PERMITTED TO VOTE.                                    
7 If volunteered, they will be included in the tea rota, but it is not mandatory                                    
8 In the event of a social member wishing to become a full member during the playing season, they must apply to the committee for approval via the secretary and will be required to pay a balance pro rata to the proportion of the season remaining.                                    
9 Where applicable social members will be included in the general circulation of email information.                                     

Bowls Etiquette:

Bowls Etiquette Rules

Club Competition Rules:

Captains Cup Rules

Coaching – Rules 

Other Rules:

Horam & District League Rules

Club Policies

Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults And Children Policy Statement

Notice Of Child And At Risk (Vulnerable) Adult Protection Policy

Hellingly Bowls Club fully accepts its legal and moral obligation to exercise its duty of care and to protect all children and vulnerable adults participating in its activities, and to safeguard their welfare.

We are committed to do this by acknowledging that:

  • the welfare of the individual is paramount;
  • each individual irrespective of age, gender, religion, race or disability has the right to protection from abuse;
  • each individual has a right to be safe, and to be treated with respect and dignity We shall use our best endeavours to ensure that:
  • all allegations of abuse are taken seriously;
  • the response to them is swift and appropriate;
  • the effectiveness of our policy is reviewed annually;
  • a responsible person shall be appointed annually as Welfare Officer to whom members can address any concerns

Mrs. Fran Doe
Club Welfare Officer

Health & Safety – General Policy

Hellingly Bowling Club is committed to encouraging our members to take part,in the health, well-being and safety of each individual. The Health and Safety of all members and guests who use the Club facilities is a major concern of the Club. The Management Committee recognises that achieving and maintaining high standards of safety requires that the Club’s Management Committee, members, visitors and contractors are aware of and discharge their respective responsibilities. The Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 requires all members, including contractors working on the Club premises, to conduct themselves in such a manner as to ensure that they pose no risk to their own or any other person’s health & safety

To support our Health & Safety policy statement we are as far as is reasonably practicable committed to the following duties:

  • To provide and maintain a safe place of work, safe systems of work, safe equipment and a healthy and safe working environment.
  • To ensure that hazards are identified and regular assessments of risks are undertaken.
  • To provide information, instruction and training as is necessary to ensure personnel are assured of a safe and healthy working environment.
  • Promoting the awareness of health and safety and encouraging health and safety best practice throughout the club.
  • To ensure we are taking the appropriate protective and preventative measures.
  • To ensure that we have access to competent advice and are able to secure compliance with our statutory duties.

In order that we can achieve our objectives, and ensure our personnel recognise their duties under health and safety legislation whilst at work; we must ensure that they inform them of their duty to take reasonable care of themselves and others that may be affected by their activities.

Adopted by Club Management Committee 23rd May 2016

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